Folic Acid Vitamin D Boots

Folic Acid Vitamin D Boots

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Nugget1984 Fri 24-Jan-14 06:34:42

When at my booking in appointment the other week the midwife suggested taking folic acid (was already on it) and vitamin D.. (I can't take the all in one vitamins) however I can't find vitamin D on its own anywhere only with calcium.. Am I ok to take this?

MissSlackPants84 Fri 24-Jan-14 06:53:07

I take a combined vitamin d and calcium. My midwife was happy with that

buttercupski Fri 24-Jan-14 07:19:49

Boots do a combined folic acid and vitamin D. Just the two things in one tiny little pill. It's in a silver pot with all the pregnancy vitamins.

summerbaby2014 Fri 24-Jan-14 07:57:33

The pregnacare has folic acid and vitamin d, plus others eg iron too

SofiaAmes Fri 24-Jan-14 08:05:49

I'm glad to hear that the midwives are recommending Vitamin D. My father is about to publish a paper showing that Vitamin D deficiency in the pregnant mother is a probable cause of Autism.
You should be taking 3000-5000 iu of vitamin D. Do the Pregnacare vitamins have that much?
You can get 1000iu pills (without calcium) online at Swanson Vitamins It's probably good to have the calcium too, but I found that it constipated me which was already an issue just from being pregnant.

ChicaMomma Fri 24-Jan-14 09:56:39

Sofia, I'd be very interested in that paper if you are in a position to post it here at any point. I read about that elsewhere online too so would love to read it!

OP, you could get separate Vit D (i like the Solgar brand, for no particular reason other than i've always used them) online. At the same token i see no reason why taking them with calcium would be an issue anyway.

CrispyFB Fri 24-Jan-14 10:52:04

Holland and Barrett do a reasonably-priced 25mcg (1000iu) standalone vit D. It's currently in their Penny Sale buy one get one for a penny. Taking the 25mcg size is definitely preferable to the more easily available 10mcg.

ChicaMomma Fri 24-Jan-14 11:06:32

Eggs are also an excellent natural source, containing 20 ui each, although hardly enough to cover the RDA. The biggest problem of course for those of us living in Ireland/UK and pregnant during winter time, is the lack of sun.

BEEwitched Fri 24-Jan-14 11:23:27

Just to note, there are also studies that show children whose mothers were taking Vitamin D in pregnancy are at a higher risk of developing food allergies.

The little tub of Boots folic acid + Vitamin D is around £3, there's 60 tablets in it so it's a good option.

Mummytobe2014 Fri 24-Jan-14 11:24:18

I have to get mine from the doc on prescription and its free smile i have to take because i have high bmi

Nugget1984 Sun 26-Jan-14 09:00:42

Thanks for the replies all. Think I'm going to get the all in one from boots. (Can't take pregnacare as already constipated - midwife said this was fine!) smile

LydiaLunches Sun 26-Jan-14 09:04:45

My gp lets anyone with their green notes have the healthy start vitamins. Health food shops sell vit d in a little spray bottle quite often. Also glad to hear that it being recommended, hope it becomes as automatic as folic acid soon.

squizita Sun 26-Jan-14 09:39:05

As crispy said - Holland and Barrett ... Tiny tablets, cheap, penny sale. I use a multi-vit + some extra b complex and d. Consultant said was ok to do, still in safe levels.

Misty9 Sun 26-Jan-14 12:15:12

I've got vitamin d only as a chewable tablet - either from boots or sainsburys, can't remember. It's 10mg (micrograms) I think.

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Folic Acid Vitamin D Boots


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